Hymns We've Always Loved, Vol. 2 by Kevin Mayhew Ltd
![Hymns We've Always Loved, Vol. 2 by Kevin Mayhew Ltd](/images/music/500/kevinmayhewltd-hymnswevealwayslovedvol2.jpg)
Year: 2014
Label: KM Records
1. | | Kum Ba Yah (add lyrics) |
2. | | Lead Us, Heavenly Father Lead Us (add lyrics) |
3. | | Lord of All Hopefulness (add lyrics) |
4. | | Lord of the Dance (add lyrics) |
5. | | Lord, The Light of Your Love (Shine, Jesus, Shine) (add lyrics) |
6. | | Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Love Divine) (add lyrics) |
7. | | Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Blaenwern) (add lyrics) |
8. | | Make Me a Channel of Your Peace (add lyrics) |
9. | | Nearer, My God to Thee (add lyrics) |
10. | | Now Thank We All Our God (add lyrics) |
11. | | O God, Our Help in Ages Past (add lyrics) |
12. | | O Jesus, I Have Promised (Wolvercote) (add lyrics) |
13. | | On a Hill Far Away (The Old Rugged Cross) (add lyrics) |
14. | | O Worship the King (add lyrics) |
15. | | Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven (add lyrics) |
16. | | Rock of Ages (add lyrics) |
17. | | The Church's One Foundation (add lyrics) |
18. | | The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended (add lyrics) |
19. | | The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Dominus Regit Me) (add lyrics) |
20. | | The King of Love My Shepherd Is (St. Columba) (add lyrics) |
21. | | The Lord's My Shepherd (add lyrics) |
22. | | There Is a Green Hill (add lyrics) |
23. | | Thine Be the Glory (add lyrics) |
24. | | We Plough the Fields and Scatter (add lyrics) |
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