Gold by The King's Singers

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Gold by The King's Singers

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by The King's Singers

Year: 2017
Label: Signum Records

 Disc 1
1. We Are (add lyrics)
2. And I Love Her (add lyrics)
3. Don't Worry About Me (add lyrics)
4. Kelele (add lyrics)
5. And So It Goes (add lyrics)
6. Down with Love (add lyrics)
7. All of Me (add lyrics)
8. Shenandoah (add lyrics)
9. Lamorna (add lyrics)
10. Some Folks' Lives Roll Easy (add lyrics)
11. See You Again (add lyrics)
12. Alice in Wonderland (add lyrics)
13. Black Horse and the Cherry Tree (add lyrics)
14. Danny Boy (add lyrics)
15. I'll Follow the Sun (add lyrics)
16. Bobby Shaftoe (add lyrics)
17. Love Is Here to Stay (add lyrics)
18. Scarborough Fair (add lyrics)
19. That Lonesome Road (add lyrics)
20. Loch Lomond (add lyrics)
21. Down by the Riverside (add lyrics)
22. MLK (add lyrics)
 Disc 2
1. The Prayer of King Henry VI (add lyrics)
2. Sing Joyfully unto God Our Strength (add lyrics)
3. Thou, My Love, Art Fair (add lyrics)
4. Sicut cervus (add lyrics)
5. In manus tuas Domine (add lyrics)
6. Master of Music (add lyrics)
7. Musica Dei donum optimi (add lyrics)
8. 3 Geistliche Gesänge, Op. 69: No. 3, Abendlied (add lyrics)
9. Sermons and Devotions: No. 5, The Bell Doth Toll (add lyrics)
10. 4 Petites prières de Saint-Francois d'Assise, FP 142 (add lyrics)
11. Das ist je gewißlich wahr, SWV 277 (add lyrics)
12. 8 geistliche Gesänge, Op. 138: No. 2, Morgengesang (add lyrics)
13. This Marriage (add lyrics)
14. Psalm 124 (add lyrics)
15. Versa est in luctum (add lyrics)
16. Rest (add lyrics)
17. Wymondham Chants: Scherzo. Tutivillus (add lyrics)
18. 8 Part Songs, Op. 118: No. 3, The Bluebird (add lyrics)
 Disc 3
1. Be Not Afeard (add lyrics)
2. 2 Songs, Op. 1: No. 1, Le papillon et la fleur (add lyrics)
3. Dessus le marche d'Arras (add lyrics)
4. Though Amaryllis Dance in Green (add lyrics)
5. Lagrimas de mi consuelo (add lyrics)
6. Handmade Proverbs (add lyrics)
7. 2 Choeurs, Op. 71: No. 1, Les Marins de Kermor (add lyrics)
8. Con amores, la mi madre (Arr. Bob Chilcott) (add lyrics)
9. 7 Lieder, Op. 62: No. 5, All meine Herzgedanken (add lyrics)
10. 4 Gesänge, D. 983: No. 4, Die Nacht (add lyrics)

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