Mother's 50 Favourite Hymns by Various Artists

Album Details

Mother's 50 Favourite Hymns
by Various Artists

Year: 2016
Label: Elevation

1. Thine Be the Glory (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
2. Stand Up and Bless the Lord (add lyrics) - Belfast Cathedral Choir
3. All People That On Earth Do Dwell (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
4. The Servant King (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
5. I Need Thee Every Hour (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
6. God Moves In a Mysterious Way (add lyrics) - The Choir Of Selwyn College
7. Great Is Thy Faithfulness (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
8. Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies (add lyrics) - The Choir Of Tewkesbury Abbey School
9. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (add lyrics) - Ely Cathedral Choir
10. Rescue the Perishing (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
11. Joy to the World (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
12. And Can It Be (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
13. Were You There? (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
14. Amazing Grace (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
15. Angel Voices Ever Singing (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
16. O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
17. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
18. How Great Thou Art (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
19. Tell Out, My Soul (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
20. Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead us (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
21. Ye Servants of God (add lyrics) - Choir of Girton College
22. Blessed Assurance (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
23. Be Still for the Presence of the Lord (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
24. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
25. Tell Me the Old Old Story (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
26. Jesus! The Name High Over All (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
27. Hark the Herald Angels Sing (add lyrics) - St Edmundsbury Cathedral Choir
28. O God Our Help In Ages Past (add lyrics) - Sheffield Cathedral Choir
29. Just As I Am (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
30. Hail to the Lord's Anointed (add lyrics) - Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Choir
31. Love Divine All Loves Excelling (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
32. Fight the Good Fight (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
33. Before the Throne of God Above (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
34. O Thou Who Camest From Above (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
35. Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
36. Crown Him With Many Crowns (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
37. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
38. Holy, Holy, Holy (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
39. O For a Closer Walk With God (add lyrics) - Collegiate Church of St Mary Warwick Choir
40. We Plough the Fields and Scatter (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
41. When I Survey (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
42. Hark, My Soul! It Is the Lord (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
43. Jerusalem (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
44. Give Me the Wings of Faith to Rise (add lyrics) - York Minster Choir
45. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (add lyrics) - Manchester Cathedral Choir
46. Take My Life and Let It Be (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir
47. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (add lyrics) - York Minster Choir
48. As the Deer - The London Fox Choir
49. Lo, He Comes With Clouds Descending (add lyrics) - Ely Cathedral Choir
50. All Glory Laud and Honour (add lyrics) - The London Fox Choir

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