Seven Woes by Adam's Road

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Resurrected by Adam's Road

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Seven Woes
by Adam's Road

Album: Resurrected

You like to walk around in your designer suits (Mark 12:38)
Reveling in being seen by men (Matt. 23:5)
You take the best seats at Conference (Matt. 23:6)
And people rise when you enter the room (Matt. 23:7)
Devouring poor widows' income (Mark 12:40)
While you're sitting on all of your wealth
Raiding church-owned corporations for your multi-million dollars

For a pretense you make lengthy, arrogant prayers (Mark 12:40)
You exalt yourself and one day you'll be humbled (Matt. 23:12)

Woe to you, hypocrites!
You shut the kingdom of Heaven in men's faces
Neither you nor them enter in (Matt. 23:13)
Woe to you, hypocrites!
You make your convert twice as much a child of hell as yourselves (Matt. 23:15)

You bind heavy burdens and lay them on other shoulders
You'll not carry them with one finger
For you preach but do not practice (Matt. 23:3-4)
What you require to pass your Sacrament: White shirts and ties and clean-shaven
With your standards of dress and grooming you wouldn't even allow

Jesus Himself to serve His bread and wine
With the way that He'd be dressed He'd be scolded by your high priest

Woe to you blind fools!
You place your priesthood callings and temple attendance
Ahead of a relationship with Jesus
Woe to you blind guides!
While you choke on a gnat you swallow a thirsty camel (Matt. 23:16-24)
Something greater than the temple is here (Matt. 12:6)

Jesus spoke the Truth: It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
Than for you rich men to enter the kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 19:24)
Beat your breast and say “God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:13)
Then sell all you have and give it all to the poor
And you'll have even more
In Heaven and follow Him now (Luke 18:22)

How often would He have gathered you as a hen gathers her young
Under her wings but you would not submit yourself to His Word? (Matt. 23:37)
Remaining ignorant of the righteousness of God
Which is faith in Christ (Rom. 10:3-4)
You renew your bondage weekly with your prisoners by

Feeding them with leavened bread and water
You offer them damnation while Christ feeds with salvation (John 6:57)

Woe to you hypocrites!
Appearing righteous on the outside but I see
You are buried in your fig leaf (Gen. 3:7; Matt. 23:28)
Woe to you blind Pharisee!
You make your temples beautiful palaces
But inside they're full of dead men's bones (Matt. 23:26-27)

Woe to you brood of vipers! (Matt. 23:33)
You build monuments to honor men
That slander God's true prophets (Matt. 23:29-30)
By changing the true Word of God and proclaiming another gospel (Gal. 1:8-9)
Woe to you, Jesus weeps over you! (Luke 19:41)
The time to repent is now! Woe!

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