Dale's Sermon by Bride

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Bride Live! - Volume 1 by Bride

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Dale's Sermon
by Bride

Album: Bride Live! - Volume 1

Just wanna share something with ya before everybody runs off. It's through the foolishness of preaching that people are saved, not through the idiocy of music. Anybody bring your bibles? Okay, okay, New Testament's good enough today. Gonna read you something here; I've just got a few minutes, but I wanna share with you. This in Matthew chapter 11, Verse 28. This is Jesus talking, and he said: "Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy-ladened, and I will give you rest. Take my yolk upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls, for my yolk is easy and my burden is light."

This is what's going on in the world today: people are walking around still with the yolk of bondage upon their back. People are walking around today in misery and suffering in their spirit. Some people are suffering in the flesh because they have the yolk of bondage upon them. You take a credit card for instance, you go out and max the credit card out to where you can't pay for it...and they want payment, is that correct? They want payment on that credit card. You can't pay it, you're adding a yolk of bondage upon your back because you're in debt to this world. You wanna buy a car, you see something that you like but you can't afford, and then you see something over here that you can afford, but you go ahead and buy that which you can't afford, out of your vanity and out of your greed, and wanting to keep up with your neighbours, and you add more yolk of bondage upon your back. And you walk around with this and you're burdened down by it, and you can't serve the Lord because you continue to add to your dilemma daily, daily.

You take a young girl, she's out on her own, she has a baby. She can't afford to live on her own with this baby. She can't work at McDonalds, making $5 an hour, and afford to feed that child, and then afford an apartment, and be able to afford going back and forth to work. So she either makes herself available on the street to make money, or she ends up in a club somewhere, dancing to make money. By the time this girl is 30 years old, her face looks like it's 60 years old, because she's been burdened down by this world.

You take the young guy, he thinks that maybe he's gonna go to college, and the college exams are too much for him, so he needs a little pick-me-up. So he takes some speed to get him through his classes, or he fails a course and he decides he's gonna drink his misery away. And that thing gets a hold of him, and that thing begins to twist on him, and that thing begins to drive you back down into the dust, where your body is gonna end up one day...but I'm telling you: you don't need to carry around that yolk of bondage. Jesus said take his yolk, take his yolk. In the bible, a yolk could be a thing that went around an oxen's neck; a big, wooden thing, and he'd pull a plough. You're not oxen, you're children of God. Jesus said, "I carried the cross, I pulled the plough - continue to put those things on me."
"Come to me the way you are," he says.

Don't try to clean up your act without Jesus, though some of you know what that's like. You try to give up something, but you don't give it to Jesus. You try to quit alcohol, and you might quit for a couple of weeks, you might quit for a month, but you don't stop hearing the voice of the alcohol begging you to come back. Because you haven't given it you Jesus, you're trying to do it on your own...but you give it to Jesus and he'll make your death to the voice of iniquity. You set your mind on things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God the Father. Seek after those things that are above, not the things of this earth. This Earth is gonna pass away, and everything with it. Everything that you see: the trees, the clouds, the sun, the moon, is all going to be dissolved. There is no reason to carry around a yolk of bondage and be rooted and grounded in this earth which is gonna pass away. Our home is not here. You've got to understand: we're strangers, we're passing through this place. We're on our way to the promised land. We're on our way where the fields are much greener. We're on our way where there's no need of sun, because Christ is the sun and he shines. There will be no more sweating in the heat. There will be no more tears. It's paradise. This life is but a vapour; you're gonna here and then you're gonna be gone. Why do you want to work for this world? This world has nothing to offer; it's filth, it's iniquity, it's sin.

Look at the people who live their life in sin. Look at the way the look; it's destroying them physically, it destroys them mentally. Look at all the rock star from Kurt Cobain to Jimmy Hendrix, and the list goes on, and on, and on, who live for this world. The prince of this world is Satan; you live for this world, you live for Satan. You must have a spiritual mind in order to combat these things. You gotta let Jesus in. He stand at the door and knocks, and if anybody will open that door, he'll come in and he'll have fellowship. He's prepared you a table, and he stands there even today, saying, "Come unto me."
"Come unto me," he says "My yolk is easy and my burden is light."

Get out from under the debt of this world; you owe this world nothing, nothing. Don't live for it. Be a servant to Christ Jesus and let him lead you into the paths of righteousness. Seek first the kingdom, his will, his plan. Surrender all that you have to Christ. Surrender, give up - you can't win on you own. You're losers without Christ. You are not worthy without the blood of Jesus Christ - get that through your head.

It doesn't matter what you look like, but just be yourself. Stop trying to look like everybody else - it's not important. I don't wanna fit into this world, into this society. I don't wanna follow the trends of this world; I'm a freak without it, because I believe in something I can't see. Do you understand what I'm telling ya? - Be yourself.

What'd you think you come to see tonight? A singer? A rock band? A reed shaken in the wind? I come in truth, and I come in love, and I come in peace, and I come in the joy of the Lord, for it is my strength. I have no power without him. This music means nothing; I'm not bound to this music. Stop living for the music, set your sights on Christ. This has never changed the life of anybody; it is the Spirit inside the music, it is the word that was preached through the music. The music is a dead thing. Don't let any of these other Christian bands out here, that refuse to preach the gospel, tell you anything any different - they're of their father, the devil. You are either with Christ or you are against him. You are either not ashamed or you are ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I've ran the race, I've fought the good fight, I am ready to be delivered. Endure to the end and you shall be saved. Look up, look up, because that's where Jesus is coming from. Stop looking down, because that's where you're gonna be buried. That's where you're gonna be buried - you don't wanna be there. You wanna be there.

Thanks for coming out tonight; I hope the seeds were planted. Open your hearts to Christ, don't listen to man; you know if it's the voice of God or not. Enjoy today.

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