Album: Hymns 26 - For The Society Meeting, Praying (501-532)
1 LET us join, ('tis God commands)
Let us join our hearts and hands
Help to gain our calling's hope,
Build we each the other up:
God his blessings shall dispense,
God shall crown his ordinance;
Meet in his appointed ways;
Nourish us with social grace.
2 Let us then as brethren love,
Faithfully his gifts improve,
Carry on the earnest strife,
Walk in holiness of life;
Still forget the things behind,
Follow Christ in heart and mind,
Toward the mark unwearied press,
Seize the crown of righteousness.
3 Plead we thus for faith alone,
Faith which by our works is shown:
God it is who justifies;
Only faith the grace applies;
Active faith that lives within,
Conquers earth, and hell, and sin,
Sanctifies, and makes us whole,
Forms the Saviour in the soul.
4 Let us for this faith contend,
Sure salvation is its end:
Heaven already is begun,
Everlasting life is won.
Only let us persevere,
Till we see our Lord appear,
Never from the rock remove,
Saved by faith, which works by love.
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