It's You by Gloryfall

Song Lyrics

For Who You Are by Gloryfall

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It's You
by Gloryfall

Album: For Who You Are

I will not let the rocks cry out
I will join in the Holy shout
All your people giving praise to You my God, my Lord and King
Let the sound of the anthem ring
With one voice all people sing
Glory, honor and power forever to our King

I will shout it out loud, glory and praise
Giving honor all of my days
It's You.. It's You I'm living for
To the ends of the earth, I'll declare all your fame
Till I see every tongue give praise to your name
It's You.. It's you I'm living for

It's you I'm living for (repeat)

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Related Albums by Gloryfall

  1. For Who You Are by Gloryfall - 2009
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