Heaven's Hero by Nate Marialke

Song Lyrics

Heaven's Hero by Nate Marialke

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Heaven's Hero
by Nate Marialke

Album: Heaven's Hero

Verse 1
Out of the darkness into the light
Out of my blindness into your sight
You brought my spirit back to life
When I was wrong you made things right
Waking me up so I could breathe where would
I be where would I be

Chorus 1
Worthy is the Lamb
Heaven's Hero come to earth
Risen again
Savior of the World

Verse 2
Out of the heavens from the father's right hand
You came to save us heal the wounds of our land
You are the father's word made flesh
Breaking the curse of sin you healed us
Bringing your kingdom down to earth
Lord let it come, Lord let it come

With all my heart With all my soul With all my mind
I worship you x4

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