Let's Celebrate by Rev. Timothy Wright

Song Lyrics

Let's Celebrate
by Rev. Timothy Wright

Album: The Godfather of Gospel

Let's celebrate, He is risen, let's celebrate, Christ the Lord
Let's celebrate, He is risen, let's celebrate, Christ the Lord
Let's celebrate, He is risen, let's celebrate, Christ the Lord
Let's celebrate, He is risen, let's celebrate, Christ the Lord

Lift Him up and give Him praise
Magnify His Holy name
Let all the people now proclaim

He is risen, He is risen

Let's celebrate, He is risen, let's celebrate, Christ the Lord
Let's celebrate, He is risen, let's celebrate, Christ the Lord

Lift Him up and give Him praise
Magnify His Holy name
Let all the people now proclaim
Choir He is risen, He is risen

Let's celebrate, He is risen, let's celebrate, Christ the Lord
Let's celebrate, He is risen, let's celebrate, Christ the Lord

Choir He lives, He lives, Hallelujah, He lives
He lives, He lives, Hallelujah, He lives

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