Album: Return
Lead:(All done)
It's already done, done. Already done, done, done, done, done. (Already)
It's already done, done. Already done, done, done, done, done. (All done)
It's already done, done. Already done, done, done, done, done. (For you that's been waiting on an answer)
It's already done, done. Already done, done, done, done, done. (It's already)
Verse One:
(I ain't gonna wonder and ponder)
I ain't gonna wonder and ponder
(how I'm gonna pay my bills)
how I'm gonna pay my bills
(I'm gonna look to the hills)
I'm gonna look, look to the hills
(All of my needs God will fulfill)
All of my needs He will fulfill.
(All of my needs God will fulfill)
All of my needs He will fulfill.
(Everyone of my needs He will fulfill because it's already...)
Repeat Chorus
Leader:(Family saved, bills paid, body healed, every void filled)
Repeat Verse One
Repeat Chorus
(Don't you worry, don't you fret.
It's already.
God never failed you yet.)
It's already done. Just believe and receive it (the reason)God's got a blessing for you.
(God's got a blessing for you)
It's already done just receive it (receive it yeah) and you'll see it 'cause God's gonna give it to you.
Already done. Already done, done.
Already done. Already done, done.
Already done. Already done, done.
Already done. Already done, done.
Already done. Already done, done.
Already done. Already done, done.
Already done. Already done, done.
Already done. Already done, done.
(Already done, already done, it's already done. He's working it out in your family, He's working it out in your finances, He's working it out on your job,He's working it out in you....hey.)
Drive: Part One
It's already done! (all, already done)
It's a-a-all, a-a-all ready done! (yes, it is, yes, it is it's already done....yeah, don't you worry, don't you worry my friend)
It's already done! (Yes it is, right now God is working beneath the scenes for you, yes, He is)
It's a-a-all, a-a-all ready done! (God is not a man that He should lie, neither the son of man he should repent)
Drive: Part Two
(already ready , already done)
(Already done) already done
(Already done, done.) already done, done
(It's already done) It's already done (8X)
(Done, done, done, done, done)
done, done, done, done, done (5X)
(Your family's saved, yeah) already done
(Your bills are paid, yeah) already done
(Your body healed) already done
(Every void filled) already done
(Romans 4:17) already done
(Says, "call those things that be not) already done
(As thou they were.) already done
(Look at your neighbor and tell them) already done
Repeat Drive One (different leader part)
Repeat Drive Two (different leader part)
Repeat Drive One
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