Album: Soli Deo Gloria
There s a light shining in Bethlehem
With a star that burns through the night
There's a light shining in Bethlehem
And the night gives way to the light
From the days of old
We were always told this day would come
And now we realize
From the star up in the sky, what the light beholds
For unto us, a child is born
Unto us, a son is given
For unto us a child is born
Unto us, a son is given
There a light shining in Bethlehem
With a star that burns through the night
There s a light shining in Bethlehem
And the night gives way to the light
In darkness we have been
But now there's hope within, new life begins
Let us go and see the promised King of kings and worship Him
He shall become the Counselor
He shall become the mighty God
He shall become the Prince of Peace
The Everlasting Father
His name is God, the Counselor
His name is God, the Mighty God
His name is God, the Prince of Peace
The Everlasting Father
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
There's a light shining in Bethlehem
With a star that burns through the night
There s a light shining in Bethlehem
And the night gives way to the light
And the night gives way to the light
And the night gives way to His light
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