Christian Music from 1977

Albums from 1977 by Title

  1. 16 Greats by The Stamps Quartet - 1977
  2. 40th Anniversary Album by King's Heralds - 1977
  3. A Light Within by Bruce Hibbard - 1977
  4. A Unique Experience by The Hoppers - 1977
  5. Agape Country by Agape Singers - 1977
  6. All Thy Works Shall Praise Thee, Vol. 1-2 by Scripture In Song - 1977
  7. Amy Grant by Amy Grant - 1977
  8. An Evening With by The Lanny Wolfe Trio - 1977
  9. At Grandfather Mountain by Sego Brothers and Naomi - 1977
  10. Ballade by Fletch Wiley - 1977
  11. Beginnings by Various Artists - 1977
  12. Bill Gaither Songs by The Blackwood Brothers - 1977
  13. Birthplace by The Downings - 1977
  14. Butterfly by Children of the Day - 1977
  15. Chattanooga Live by The Kingsmen - 1977
  16. Collectors Edition by The Hopper Brothers and Connie - 1977
  17. Come and Join Us by Petra - 1977
  18. Come On In by The Dixie Echoes - 1977
  19. Come On Ring Those Bells by Evie - 1977
  20. Comfort, Strength & Happiness by The Couriers - 1977
  21. Comfortable Country by The Lundstroms - 1977
  22. Cornerstone by The Speers - 1977
  23. Country Faith by The Lewis Family - 1977
  24. Covenant Woman by Janny Grein - 1977
  25. Cradle of Love by Terry Talbot - 1977
  26. Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Dream by Sammy Hall - 1977
  27. Elvis' Favorite Gospel Songs by J.D. Sumner & The Stamps Quartet - 1977
  28. Emerging by Phil Keaggy - 1977
  29. Faith by The Cruse Family - 1977
  30. Feel the Love by Love Song - 1977
  31. Feelings That We Feel by The Galileans - 1977
  32. Fireworks by Fireworks - 1977
  33. For Him Who Has Ears to Hear by Keith Green - 1977
  34. For The Love of Benji by Joe Camp - 1977
  35. Forty Years Late by Butch Robins - 1977
  36. Free Indeed by The Telestials - 1977
  37. Fresh Surrender by The Archers - 1977
  38. Gently Flowing Feeling by Albrecht, Roley & Moore - 1977
  39. Get Away Jordan by Hovie Lister, The Statesmen - 1977
  40. Give Them All to Jesus by Steve & Maria - 1977
  41. Golden Treasury of Hymns For The Family of God by Doug Oldham - 1977
  42. Good News II by Various Artists - 1977
  43. Gospel Songs Elvis Loved by Hovie Lister, The Statesmen - 1977
  44. Grand Opening by Andrus, Blackwood & Co. - 1977
  45. Greentree Sampler Album by Various Artists - 1977
  46. Have A Nice Day by The Lanny Wolfe Trio - 1977
  47. Have You Ever Said Thank You by Christine Wyrtzen - 1977
  48. Have You Heard by Barry McGuire - 1977
  49. He Rows Me Over The Tide by The Singing Cookes - 1977
  50. Heaven Bound by The Cruse Family - 1977
  51. Hideaway by Pete Carlson - 1977
  52. Highly Seasoned by The Hopper Brothers and Connie - 1977
  53. How The West Was One by 2nd Chapter of Acts - 1977
  54. I Am A Seeker by Willie Wynn & The Tennesseans - 1977
  55. I Am Willing, Lord by Heritage Singers - 1977
  56. I Just Call on You by David Meece - 1977
  57. I'm Not Religious, I Just Love the Lord by Scott Wesley Brown - 1977
  58. If My People by The King's Heralds - 1977
  59. Illustrations by Parable - 1977
  60. In Concert - Live by The Florida Boys - 1977