Psalm 1:1
January 25, 2025
Psalm 1:1 NIV
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers.
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Verse Thoughts
Too often, sin and ungodly living are portrayed as glamorous. These are marketed through previews in the media and championed on social media. The way to true blessings, however, is the way of God. His will is for our good, his commands spring from his mercy and protection, and his way is the path of true life. When we look beneath the thin veneer of those lauded in pop culture, we can see the mess they have made of life for themselves and others. However, we can be blessed to walk with God, do his will, and keep our sights set on our blessings when we go home to the Father in heaven, who sees what we do and appreciates our hearts' desire for him!
Verse Prayer
Forgive me, please, Father, for believing the lies of the world trying to deceive and entice me with the lies and temptations of Satan. I know that sin brings heartaches, complications, problems, and, ultimately, spiritual death. I also know that choosing the right things, standing up for truth, and living faithfully for you are often difficult. Please use the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart so I can recognize your truth and trust that walking in your will brings me true life — life both now and forevermore. In Jesus' name, I ask for grace to walk in your way, not the ways of this world. Amen.
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