Meet Me in the Meadow by Jonathan Urie, Roy Lessin

Album Details

Meet Me in the Meadow
by Jonathan Urie, Roy Lessin

Year: 2013
Label: Jonathan Urie

1. Grace / Tapestry (add lyrics)
2. Inspected / Whispers of Light (add lyrics)
3. Mercy,Peace & Love / Spiritual Abundance (add lyrics)
4. You Are Not / Love (add lyrics)
5. God Is Faithfu l/ Anna's Theme (add lyrics)
6. Secure & Certain, Pt. 1/ Praise Be to God (add lyrics)
7. Secure & Certain, Pt. 2 / Soft Summer Breeze (add lyrics)
8. Secure & Certain, Pt. 3 / The God of Hope (add lyrics)
9. Wait Upon His Promises / Song of Peace (add lyrics)
10. When the Answer Is No / Through Childhood's Eyes (add lyrics)
11. Cast All Your Cares On Him / Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (add lyrics)
12. The World & the Kingdom / Focusing (add lyrics)
13. What's It All About / Jesus (add lyrics)
14. Divine Guidance / True Personhood (add lyrics)
15. Characteristics of a Servant / Spirit Love (add lyrics)
16. Knowing God's Guidance / The Invitation (add lyrics)
17. God's Guidance Settled in Our Heart / It's Remarkable (add lyrics)
18. With and Without / Winds of Change (add lyrics)
19. Waiting / Moonlight Dance (add lyrics)
20. A Prayer of Surrender / Focus (add lyrics)
21. I Would Rather / Extra Prayer (add lyrics)
22. God's Providence / O' Child of God (add lyrics)
23. The Right Thing / Path of Mystery (add lyrics)
24. It Is Written / Beyond the Veil (add lyrics)
25. God Has Plans / God Watches Over You (add lyrics)
26. Our Response to God, Pt.1 / Affirmation Song (add lyrics)
27. Our Response to God, Pt. 2 / Where There Is Love (add lyrics)
28. It's All About Him / What God Has Done for You (add lyrics)
29. With and Without, Pt. 2 / I Will Never Leave You (add lyrics)
30. Jesus, Our Onl Y Option / Focus (add lyrics)
31. Heaven Is Better / Reflections of Light (add lyrics)
32. His Kingdom Is Ours / The Touch of the Master (add lyrics)
33. Holiness and Glory / Because He Loves Me (add lyrics)
34. Health / The Great Physician (add lyrics)
35. Peace Is Not Based On Reason / Focus (add lyrics)
36. Zero Tolerance / Mercy (add lyrics)
37. Looking Unto Jesus / So Many Gods (add lyrics)
38. Peace With God / Cradled in the Arms of God (add lyrics)
39. Live in the Atmosphere of Peace / God Watches Over You (add lyrics)
40. Tranquility / My Best Friend (add lyrics)
41. A New Song / Dawning (add lyrics)
42. Comfort / Your Love Jesus O' Your Love (add lyrics)
43. Quiet Hearts in Troubled Times / Tapestry (add lyrics)
44. Receive and Give / Kindness (add lyrics)
45. You Are the Lord's / Springtime in the Heart (add lyrics)
46. Lesson of Lilies and Birds / Because He Loves Me (add lyrics)
47. The Presence of God / Focus (add lyrics)
48. God With Us / God of Hope (add lyrics)
49. Attributes of God / Where There Is Love (add lyrics)
50. God's Love/Focus / Spiritual Abundance (add lyrics)

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