Church Classics, Vol. 1 by The Festival Choir, Hosanna Chorus

Year: 2003
Label: Madacy Christian
1. | | Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (add lyrics) |
2. | | Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (add lyrics) |
3. | | Beautiful Savior (add lyrics) |
4. | | Lift High the Cross (add lyrics) |
5. | | It Is Well With My Soul (add lyrics) |
6. | | Breathe On Me, Breath of God (add lyrics) |
7. | | All Things Bright and Beautiful (add lyrics) |
8. | | Crown Him With Many Crowns (add lyrics) |
9. | | All People That On Earth Do Dwell (add lyrics) |
10. | | Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (add lyrics) |
11. | | Be Thou My Vision (add lyrics) |
12. | | Children of the Heavenly Father (add lyrics) |
13. | | My Faith Looks Up to Thee (add lyrics) |
14. | | Now Thank We All Our God (add lyrics) |
15. | | O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded (add lyrics) |
16. | | Panis Angelicus (add lyrics) |
17. | | For the Beauty of the Earth (add lyrics) |
18. | | The Gift of Love (add lyrics) |
19. | | Rejoice the Lord the King (add lyrics) |
20. | | God Is So Good (add lyrics) |
21. | | The Church's One Foundation (add lyrics) |
22. | | Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain (add lyrics) |
23. | | O Jesus I Have Promised (add lyrics) |
24. | | Praise Him (add lyrics) |
25. | | Nearer My God to Thee (add lyrics) |
26. | | All Glory, Laud and Honor (add lyrics) |
27. | | Eternal Father, Strong to Save (add lyrics) |
28. | | The Old Rugged Cross (add lyrics) |
29. | | What Wondrous Love (add lyrics) |
30. | | Let All Things Now Living (add lyrics) |
31. | | Holy God We Praise Thy Name (add lyrics) |
32. | | He Is Lord (add lyrics) |
33. | | Joyful, Joyful (add lyrics) |
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