Album: Be Alright - Single
There's a name that can silence every fear
There's a love that embraces
The heartache, the pain, and the tears
Through my faith and my doubting
I know one thing for sure
His word is unfailing
His promise secure
Todo va a estar bien
Everything will be all right
The whole world's in His hands
Your whole world's in His hands
In the darkness and the trials
He's faithful and He is true
The whole world's in His hands
Y todo va a estar bien
Everything will be alright
Father, You say everything is gonna be alright
But my circumstances say I won't last through the night
I need your word to hold me now need you to pull me through
I need miracle, a breakthrough, I need you
They say you hold the whole universe iH your hand
But my world's falling apart like it's made of sand
Am I small enough to slip through the cracks?
Can you take my broken pieces and put them back
Give me faith to believe that you are on my side
Open my eyes to see You working in my life
Let the past remind me You never fail
Tell my soul "it is well"
Padre te confieso a corazon abierto,
Que todo es muy incierto en este desierto,
Mi vulnerabilidad esta al descubierto
Siento que mi barca esta muy lejos de su puerto
Porque sera que ya no sale el sol en mis dias?
Porque mis noches son tan frias ?
Porque sera que siento que me falta algo?
Porque Este camino gris se siente tan largo?
Se que estas obrando aunque no te sienta aunque no te vea,
Se que voy a salir de esta odisea
Se que voy a ganar esta pelea
Se que va a cesar esta marea temporaria
Que en ti yo vivire una vida extraordinaria
Que aunque no pueda entender
Me consuela saber que todo
Todo va a estar bien
Everything will be all right
The whole world's in His hands
Your whole world's in His hands
In the darkness and the trials
He's faithful and He is true
The whole world's in His hands
Y todo va a estar bien
Everything will be alright
Everything will be alright
Y todo va a estar bien
Everything will be alright
He's got the whole world in his hands
He's got the whole world in his hands
He's got the whole wide world in his hands
Todo el mundo en su mano esta
Todo el mundo en su mano esta
Todo el mundo en su mano esta
rating 4.7 with 668 votes
680 favs
One of my favorites - Feb 2025
Esta cancin es realmente algo. Dios os bendiga, que Dios os bendiga a todos. - Nov 2024
This song reminds me that even though this world is a mess and is getting worse in this time, God always has the world in his hands and has it in control. - Oct 2024
!Esta es una gran cancin! Dips bendiga a Evan - Sep 2024
Keep Listening to The Lord Jesus, inspired by The Holy Spirit, Our Father (personal), hear thru the still small voice or the one that storms in Thunder Lightning & Rain My Father is I AM! - Sep 2024
Father I confess to you with an open heart,That everything is very uncertain in this desert, My vulnerability is exposed I feel that my boat is very far from its port Why is it that the sun no longer visible? - Apr 2024
What a great song - Jun 2023
I truly love this song I wish it was played more. - Apr 2023
muchas gracias por este cancion en espanol!! - Apr 2023
This is one of my favorite songs. it's so beautiful - Apr 2023
Beautiful song!!! - Jul 2022
My favorite song like ever!!! I LOVE IT!!! - Apr 2022
Increible! La mejor cancion de la historia! Muchas Gracias! - Feb 2022
My mom loves this song a lot - Oct 2021
Very inspirational. Peaceful. - Oct 2021
Thank you for making this, I absolutely this. - Oct 2021
I love this song, it's what I fall asleep to every night. - Sep 2021
This song gives me such peace about everything. Thank u - Sep 2021
My favorite song keeps me believing God will take are of all tough times in my life and my family will be safe. - Sep 2021
i love it, so inspiritional - Sep 2021
My favorite song keeps me calm everything will be alright because of Gods love - Sep 2021
This is one my new favorite songs. These two sound great together. - Aug 2021
I just love this song. Danny Gokey and Evan Craft voice so so great together. They should do more music together. - Aug 2021
play more!!!!!!!!! - Aug 2021
Great song! - Jun 2021
Simple to the point reaching into our heart thank you all for this timely reminder many blessings !love the bilingual part very well expressed!Thank you - May 2021
Lord woke me up with this song!I heard it as I was driving! A couple days ago! Love it! - May 2021
amazing - May 2021
Awsome - May 2021
How has this song been out since September and I have never heard it! I my soul...divine timing! - May 2021
Bring peace to me! - May 2021
I heard that song and I was like mesmerized. It was like they were talking to me and my situation. Amazing song. - May 2021
My favorite song! Love love love - May 2021
Beautiful song - May 2021
I LOVE this song!!!! - May 2021