Sanding Off The Edges by Tim Menzies, Rhonda Vincent

Song Lyrics

He Reminds Me by Tim Menzies

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Sanding Off The Edges
by Tim Menzies, Rhonda Vincent

Album: He Reminds Me

There's power in those pages
Grab a Bible look it up
You won't find a loophole
To water down the blood
That crown of thorns was jagged
The nails pierced in the wood
We can't sugarcoat the story
Just to make the lost feel good
If that rubs you wrong take it up with the boss
Cause I ain't sanding off the edges of that old rugged cross

I ain't apologizing for standing on the truth
I won't stand before the Lord with some old lame excuse
I'm marching right behind Him, He said don't count the cost
So I ain't sanding off the edges of that old rugged cross

I'll tell it on the mountain ands everywhere I go
Lord told me don't worry if He steps on your toe
That serpent likes to whisper lies into our ears
Like "don't believe the scripture we don't need this part right here"
He's pulled that since the garden, Hey get behind me Hoss
Cause I ain't sanding off the edges of that old rugged cross

I ain't apologizing for standing on the truth
I won't stand before the Lord with some old lame excuse
I'm marching right behind Him, He said don't count the cost
So I ain't sanding off the edges of that old rugged cross

This Gospel bus is headed north, the wide road takes you south
Don't get left behind my friend, you're either in or out

I ain't apologizing for standing on the truth
I won't stand before the Lord with some old lame excuse
I'm marching right behind Him, He said don't count the cost
So I ain't sanding off the edges of that old rugged cross

Go out and be a blessing, tell the truth and trust the message
Don't sand off the edges of that old rugged cross

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