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You Need Jesus
Eddie Amador

You Need Jesus - Eddie Amador

You Need Jesus - Single (2019)

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Eddie Amador
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You Need Jesus - Single
Eddie Amador

Deeplife Records (2019)

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You Need Jesus
Eddie Amador

You Need Jesus - Single (2019)

Jesus, that's what you need
You Need Jesus

I want to talk about this morning "You Need Jesus"
Look at a few people around you and tell em "You Need Jesus"
Say it like you mean it say "you really need Jesus"... thats what you need.

That particular phrase was made popular by a particular comedian on BET who would pick out of the crowd, people who were dressed funny or looked funny and he would say to them in a "comical" way...You Need Jesus

He was saying in his own way, through comedy, that the only person that could help you, the way you look or the way you dress, is Jesus. So I'd like to borrow that this morning and say us this morning, that I know, I know you have your things together and I know you are situated pretty well and you got things pretty much figured out.

But, I've come to say this morning that they way your life is laid out and the way your life is scheduled, and from where you come from in order for you to make it from day to day... I know you got friends in high places, I know you got money in the bank, I know you got all of that figured out, it looks like you got things stored up for many days, but YOU NEED JESUS if you going to make it in the world.

Reverend I'm young and I'm strong and I'm making some gold and am doing some stuff, but reverend the real reason I am where I am is because Jesus is in my life. Reverend, I thought when I was young I had it together but as I grew older I learned that I didn't quite have as much together as I thought I had but the only reason I have been able to make it thus far is that I've got Jesus!

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You Need Jesus
Eddie Amador

You Need Jesus - Single (2019)


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You Need Jesus
Eddie Amador

You Need Jesus - Single (2019)

