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We Have a God
Fear Not

We Have a God - Fear Not

Fear Not (2017)

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Song Artist

Fear Not
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Song Album

Fear Not
Fear Not

Word Records (1995)

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Song Lyrics

We Have a God
Fear Not

Fear Not (2017)

Waiting for the tumble,
Standing on the fault line
Heading out of bounds,
Running of game time
We found a love
Straight from the top
And it's coming down
Ain't going to stop

Yes, we have a God
And His name is Jesus
Yes, we have a God

The pain is going to come,
And the tears will keep falling
So you better listen up,
When Jesus comes calling
There's one thing
I know for sure
You better walk through the open door

Yes, we have a God
You know His name is Jesus
Yes, we have a God
And I know He'll never leave us
Yes, we have a God
My God's name is Jesus
Yes, we have a God
Yeah, Yeah, yeah
Whoa, whoa, whoa, yeah

Come on, here we go
Yes, we have a God
Oh, yeah
Yes, we have a God
And He'll never, He'll never leave us
Yes, we have a God
Oh my my yeah
Yes, we have a God
We have a God

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We Have a God
Fear Not

Fear Not (2017)


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We Have a God
Fear Not

Fear Not (2017)

