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You Made The Mountain
The Williamsons

You Made The Mountain - The Williamsons

Above Everything (2022)

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The Williamsons
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Song Album

Above Everything
The Williamsons

The Williamsons (2022)

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You Made The Mountain by The Williamsons

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Song Lyrics

You Made The Mountain
The Williamsons

Above Everything (2022)

For many days I've stood her waiting at the bottom of this hill
Praying, "Father move this mountain and I'll gladly do your will"
But today I realized that it may not be in your plan
So if I'm meant to climb this mountain Lord keep holding to my hand

You made the mountain for me to climb
With every step I take uphill, you increase this faith of mine
Why would I pray for you to change your grand design
You made the mountain for me to climb

Well I admit if I could choose I just might take the easy way
But I'll never know your faithful if you never try my faith
And I remember long ago faced a mountain of your own
Standing at the foot of Calvary you prayed, "Father, I'll go on"

You made the mountain for me to climb
With every step I take uphill, you increase this faith of mine
Why would I pray for you to change your grand design
You made the mountain for me to climb

They'll be mountains down the road that you will move out of my way
So Lord help me to remember you know what I need today
Lord give me faith

You made the mountain for me to climb
With every step I take uphill, you increase this faith of mine
Why would I pray for you to change your grand design
You made the mountain for me to climb

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You Made The Mountain
The Williamsons

Above Everything (2022)


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You Made The Mountain
The Williamsons

Above Everything (2022)

