60 Classic Hymns: 60th Anniversary Tribute to Billy Graham by Mike Curb Congregation

Album Details

60 Classic Hymns: 60th Anniversary Tribute to Billy Graham
by Mike Curb Congregation

Year: 2011
Label: Curb Records

 Disc 1
1. A Mighty Fortess Is Our God (add lyrics)
2. Abide With Me (add lyrics)
3. All Creatures of Our God and King (add lyrics)
4. All Glory Laud and Honor (add lyrics)
5. All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (add lyrics)
6. Be Still My Soul (add lyrics)
7. Be Thou My Vision (add lyrics)
8. Beneath the Cross of Jesus (add lyrics)
9. Blessed Assurance (add lyrics)
10. Blest Be the Tie (add lyrics)
11. Bringing In the Sheaves (add lyrics)
12. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (add lyrics)
13. Come Thou Almighty King (add lyrics)
14. Come Ye Thankful People Come (add lyrics)
15. Count Your Blessings (add lyrics)
16. Crown Him With Many Crowns (add lyrics)
17. Fairest Lord Jesus (add lyrics)
18. Faith of Our Fathers (add lyrics)
19. For the Beauty of the Earth (add lyrics)
20. Glory Be to the Father (add lyrics)
21. God of Our Fathers (add lyrics)
22. Have Thine Own Way (add lyrics)
23. He Leadeth Me O Blessed Thought (add lyrics)
24. Holy Holy Holy (add lyrics)
25. I Love to Tell the Story (add lyrics)
26. I Need Thee Every Hour (add lyrics)
27. I Surrender All (add lyrics)
28. In the Sweet Bye & Bye (add lyrics)
29. Jesus Loves Me (add lyrics)
30. Jesus Love the Little Children (add lyrics)
 Disc 2
1. Just As I Am (add lyrics)
2. Leaning On the Everlasting Arms (add lyrics)
3. Lords Prayer (add lyrics)
4. Lords Prayer (add lyrics)
5. Nearer My God to Thee (add lyrics)
6. Oh God Our Help In Ages Past (add lyrics)
7. O How I Love Jesus (add lyrics)
8. Old Rugged Cross (add lyrics)
9. Power In the Blood (add lyrics)
10. Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (add lyrics)
11. Rock of Ages (add lyrics)
12. Shall We Gather At the River (add lyrics)
13. Softly & Tenderly (add lyrics)
14. Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus (add lyrics)
15. Sweet Hour of Prayer (add lyrics)
16. The Churchs One Foundation (add lyrics)
17. This Is My Fathers World (add lyrics)
18. What a Friend We Have In Jesus (add lyrics)
19. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder (add lyrics)
20. Where Could I Go But to the Lord (add lyrics)
21. Amazing Grace (add lyrics)
22. God Be With You (add lyrics)
23. Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (add lyrics)
24. Were You There (add lyrics)
25. His Eye Is On The Sparrow (add lyrics)
26. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen (add lyrics)
27. Onward Christian Soldiers (add lyrics)
28. The Church In The Wildwood (add lyrics)
29. America The Beautiful (add lyrics)
30. The Battle Hymn Of The Republic (add lyrics)

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