100 Hymns - Anchors of Faith by Various Artists

Album Details

100 Hymns - Anchors of Faith
by Various Artists

Year: 2011
Label: Integrity Music

Tags: hymns

1. All Glory Laud And Honour (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
2. Praise To the Holiest In the Height (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
3. Prayer Is the Soul's Sincere Desire (add lyrics) - Christopher Norton
4. I Sing the Almighty Power of God (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
5. Standing In the Need of Prayer (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
6. Praise My Soul the King of Heaven (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
7. All the Way My Saviour Leads Me (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
8. Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
9. I Know Whom I Have Believed (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir, The Salvation Army Citadel Band
10. Just As I Am (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
11. Come Let Us Join Our Cheerful Song (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
12. Man of Sorrows (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir, The Salvation Army Citadel Band
13. Go and Dark Gethsemane (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
14. O Sacred Head Sore Wounded (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
15. Were You There (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
16. Nobody Knows (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
17. I Need Thee Every Hour (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir, The Salvation Army Citadel Band
18. The Strife Is O'er the Battle Won (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
19. Go Down Moses (Let My People Go) (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
20. The Sands of Time Are Sinking (add lyrics) - The Scottish Festival Singers
21. Every Time I Feel the Spirit (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
22. Count Your Blessings (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
23. How Great Thou Art (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
24. My Jesus I Love Thee (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
25. Trust and Obey (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
26. He Hideth My Soul (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
27. Joy And the World (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
28. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
29. When I Survey (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
30. Come Home (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir, The Salvation Army Citadel Band
31. Now May He Who From the Dead (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
32. Sometimes a Light Surprises (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
33. Stand Up For Jesus (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
34. Roll Jordan Roll (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
35. Hark My Soul It Is the Lord (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
36. How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
37. Pass Me Not (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
38. Jesus Where'er Thy People Meet (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
39. According To Thy Gracious Word (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
40. Abide With Me (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
41. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
42. Wonderful Words of Life (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir, The Salvation Army Citadel Band
43. Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
44. The King of Love My Shepherd Is (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
45. Only Trust Him (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir, The Salvation Army Citadel Band
46. Love Divine (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
47. Go Labour On Spend And Be Spent (add lyrics) - The Scottish Festival Singers
48. Every Day And Hour (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
49. O For a Closer Walk With Thee (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
50. We're Marching To Zion (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
51. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
52. Low in the Grave He Lay (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
53. My Lord What a Morning (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
54. From All That Dwell Below the Skies (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
55. There Is a Green Hill Far Away (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
56. Lord I Have Made Thy Word My Choice (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
57. Moments of Prayer (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
58. It Is Well (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
59. Earth Rejoice Our Lord Is King (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
60. Be Known and Us In Breaking Bread (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
61. Hail and the Lord's Anointed (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
62. Angels From the Realms of Glory (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
63. Songs of Praise the Angels Sang (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
64. Forever With the Lord (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
65. Be Thou My Vision (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
66. With Joy We Meditate (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
67. Swing Low Sweet Chariot (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
68. Hark the Herald Angels Sing (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
69. Command Thy Blessing From Above (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
70. O For a Thousand Tongues (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
71. O Spirit of the Living God (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
72. Christ Arose (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir, The Salvation Army Citadel Band
73. Shall We Gather At the River (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
74. Behold the Servant (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
75. Amazing Grace (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
76. O God Our Help In Ages Past (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
77. Rock of Ages (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
78. Ride On Ride On In Majesty (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
79. The Lord's My Shepherd I'll Not Want (add lyrics) - The Scottish Festival Singers
80. Steal Away (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
81. Onward Christian Soldiers (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir, The Salvation Army Citadel Band
82. Jesus Shall Reign (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
83. A Safe Stronghold (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
84. Immortal invisible God Only Wise (add lyrics) - The Scottish Festival Singers
85. More About Jesus Would I Know (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
86. What a Friend We Have in Jesus (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
87. May the Grace of Christ Our Saviour (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
88. I Want To Be Ready (Walk in Jerusalem Just Like John) (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
89. Draw Me Nearer (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
90. Deep River (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
91. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go (add lyrics) - The Scottish Festival Singers
92. Dear Lord And Father of Mankind (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
93. Lift Up Your Heads Ye Gates of Brass (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
94. Come Thou Long Expected Jesus (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
95. And Can It Be (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers
96. Bright and Joyful Is the Morn (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
97. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (add lyrics) - The Scottish Festival Singers
98. Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel (add lyrics) - The Vasari Singers
99. Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (add lyrics) - The Celebration Choir
100. Rejoice Believer In the Lord (add lyrics) - The St Michael's Singers

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