30 Bible Songs by Various Artists

Album Details

30 Bible Songs
by Various Artists

Year: 2004
Label: Madacy Kids

1. I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy Down In My Heart (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
2. Fishers of Men (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
3. Battle Hymn of the Republic (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
4. The Old Rugged Cross (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
5. Dem Dry Bones (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
6. Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
7. Be Careful Little Eyes What You See (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
8. Oh Happy Day (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
9. Trust & Obey (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
10. I'm H-A-P-P-Y (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
11. I'm In the Lord's Army (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
12. Climb Sunshine Mountain (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
13. I Am So Glad Jesus Loves Me (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
14. Who Built the Ark (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
15. Zaccheus (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
16. Day By Day (add lyrics) - St. John Children's Choir
17. Joshua Fought the Battle (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
18. For the Beauty of the Earth (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
19. Kumbayah (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
20. Now Thank We All Our God (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
21. Holy, Holy, Holy (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
22. Jesus Loves the Little Children (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
23. All Things Bright and Beautiful (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
24. He's Got the Whole World In His Hands (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
25. Joyful Joyful (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
26. The B-I-B-L-E (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
27. When the Saints Go Marching In (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
28. Michael Row the Boat Ashore (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
29. Amazing Grace (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson
30. Praise Him, Praise Him (add lyrics) - Steven Anderson

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