A Treasury of 101 Best Loved Hymns, Disc 2 by Various Artists

Year: 1997
Label: Heartland Music
1. | | We Will Glorify (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
2. | | Worship The King (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
3. | | Praise My Soul, The King of Heaven (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
4. | | Take My Life And Let It Be (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
5. | | Abba Father (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
6. | | Oh, How I Love Jesus (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
7. | | Wonderful, Wonderful Jesus (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
8. | | Take Time To Be Holy (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
9. | | Search Me O God (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
10. | | Whiter Than Snow (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
11. | | Blessed Assurance (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
12. | | Wonderful Peace (add lyrics) - Don Marsh Orchestra & Singers |
13. | | Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
14. | | Old Rugged Cross; At The Cross (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
15. | | Near To The Heart Of God (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
16. | | Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee (add lyrics) - Steve Green |
17. | | Be Still And Know; Trust And Obey (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
18. | | Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
19. | | Love Lifted Me (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
20. | | I Will Sing of My Redeemer (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
21. | | Redeemed, How I Love To Proclaim It (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
22. | | Great Is Thy Faithfulness (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
23. | | Beneath The Cross Of Jesus (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
24. | | When I Survey The Wondrous Cross (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
25. | | In The Cross Of Christ I Glory (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
26. | | In The Garden (add lyrics) - Don Marsh Orchestra & Singers |
27. | | Spirit Of God (add lyrics) - Steve Green |
28. | | Descend Upon My Heart (add lyrics) - Steve Green |
29. | | Breath On Me Breath Of God (add lyrics) - Steve Green |
30. | | Spirit of The Living God (add lyrics) - Steve Green |
31. | | God Leads Us Along (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
32. | | His Eye Is On The Sparrow (add lyrics) - Tom Fettke, Billy Ray Hearn |
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