All Time Gospel by Various Artists

Album Details

All Time Gospel
by Various Artists

Year: 2010
Label: United Audio Entertainment

 Disc 1
1. One Happy Day (add lyrics) - The Harmonizing Four
2. This May Be the Last Time (add lyrics) - The Staple Singers
3. I'm a Rolling (add lyrics) - The Five Blind Boys
4. All Things Are Possible (add lyrics) - The Harmonizing Four
5. One Gospel Ship (add lyrics) - The Prophets
6. Thank the Lord I'm Singing Again (add lyrics) - The Blind Boys of Mississippi
7. Farther Along (add lyrics) - The Harmonizing Four
8. Sweet Inspiration (add lyrics) - The Platters
9. Amazing Grace (add lyrics) - The Highway Q.C.'s
10. My Robe Will Fit Me (add lyrics) - The Five Blind Boys
11. Peace Among Nations (add lyrics) - The Blind Boys of Mississippi
12. I Used to Wonder (add lyrics) - The Highway Q.C.'s
13. Ridin' the Mainline (add lyrics) - The Platters
14. Pray On (add lyrics) - The Staple Singers
15. I Wonder, Have You (add lyrics) - The Highway Q.C.'s
 Disc 2
1. Let's Go Home (add lyrics) - The Staple Singers
2. On the Right Road (add lyrics) - The Harmonizing Four
3. Home In That Rock (add lyrics) - The Five Blind Boys
4. Headin' Home (add lyrics) - The Platters
5. The Ole House / When the Saints Go Marching In (add lyrics) - Blackwood Quartet
6. He's My Friend (add lyrics) - The Blind Boys of Mississippi
7. Think About the Good Things (add lyrics) - The Prophets
8. Don't Drive Me Away (add lyrics) - The Staple Singers
9. Let's Have a Church (add lyrics) - The Five Blind Boys
10. Hallelujah (add lyrics) - The Harmonizing Four
11. Uncloudy Day (add lyrics) - The Staple Singers
12. I Shall Be Moved (add lyrics) - Harvesters Quartet
13. The Milky White Way (add lyrics) - The Highway Q.C.'s
14. Why In the Name of God (add lyrics) - The Platters
15. Old Time Religion (add lyrics) - The Five Blind Boys
 Disc 3
1. Walk Together Children (add lyrics) - The Blind Boys of Mississippi
2. I Know I've Got Religion (add lyrics) - The Staple Singers
3. God Will Take Care of You (add lyrics) - The Harmonizing Four
4. I'll Be Satisfied (add lyrics) - The Highway Q.C.'s
5. Living By Faith (add lyrics) - The Prophets
6. Whisper a Prayer (add lyrics) - The Blind Boys of Mississippi
7. Cheer Up My Brother (add lyrics) - The Platters
8. If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again (add lyrics) - The Staple Singers
9. All Over Me (add lyrics) - The Five Blind Boys
10. Don't Knock (add lyrics) - The Staple Singers
11. What a Fellowship (add lyrics) - The Harmonizing Four
12. After All (add lyrics) - The Prophets
13. He Said (add lyrics) - The Highway Q.C.'s
14. You'll Never Walk Alone (add lyrics) - The Five Blind Boys
15. Put Your Hand In the Hand (add lyrics) - The Platters

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