Incrediworld by Various Artists

Album Details

by Various Artists

Year: 2011
Label: Majesty Music

1. Incrediworld (add lyrics) - Ron Hamilton, Cheryl Reid
2. We're Finally Here! (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
3. Simple as That (add lyrics) - Jim Snyder, David Yeager, Steve Wick
4. The Garden of Eden (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
5. Right-Side Up Turned Up-Side Down (add lyrics) - Jim Snyder, Cathy Weber, Ron Hamilton
6. Mabel! (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
7. Billions and Billions of Years Ago (add lyrics) - Ron Hamilton
8. Maddy Arbuckle, Adventure TV (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
9. Days of Creation (add lyrics) - Ron Hamilton, Cheryl Reid
10. Incrediworld Is an Incredimess! (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
11. Woodpecker (add lyrics) - Buddy Davis
12. The Bible Changed My Whole Life (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
13. It Couldn't Just Have Happened (add lyrics) - Sandy Howell, Robert Sobo
14. It's a Dinosaur! (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
15. Behemoth (add lyrics) - Buddy Davis
16. A Little Too Close for Comfort (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
17. Bible Glasses (add lyrics) - Cheryl Reid, Ron Hamilton
18. One More Quick Stop (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
19. Cotton Candy (add lyrics) - Cheryl Reid, Ron Hamilton
20. Welcome to the Extreme Team Show! (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
21. Admit, Believe, Forever Receive (add lyrics) - David Yeager, Ron Hamilton
22. The World's Best Theme Park Award (Dialog) (add lyrics) - Patch the Pirate
23. All Creatures of Our God and King (add lyrics) - St. Francis of Assisi, Steve Wick, Geistiche Kirchengesange, Cologne

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