Songs of the Saints, Vol. 2 by Worship Service Resources

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Songs of the Saints, Vol. 2
by Worship Service Resources

Year: 2014
Label: Worship Service Resources

1. Hallelujah! We Shall Rise (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
2. He Is Able to Deliver Thee (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
3. He Lifted Me (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
4. He Whispers Sweet Peace to Me (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
5. I Love to Walk With Jesus (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
6. I Never Shall Forget the Day (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
7. I Will Sing of My Redeemer (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
8. I Won't Have to Cross Jordan Alone (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
9. Is Thy Heart Right With God? (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
10. Jesus Is Calling (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
11. Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
12. Just One Way to the Pearly Gate (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
13. Just When I Need Him Most (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
14. Keep On the Firing Line (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
15. Let the Lower Lights Be Burning (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
16. Never Alone (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
17. O Say, But I'm Glad (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
18. Safe in the Arms of Jesus (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
19. Since I Have Been Redeemed (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
20. Some Day (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
21. Tell Me the Story of Jesus (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
22. Throw Out the Life-Line (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
23. When the Battle's Over (We Shall Wear a Crown) (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
24. Whosoever Meaneth Me (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
25. Will Jesus Find Us Watching? (3 Verses) (add lyrics)
26. This World Is Not My Home (3 Verses) (add lyrics)

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