Music by Social Club

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Social Club
First known as just Social Club, Christian hip-hop duo Social Club Misfits formed in 2011. Miami rappers Martymar and F.E.R.N. debuted their project in 2012 with the free download album Misfits.

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Albums by Social Club

Song Lyrics for Social Club

  1. Act of God by Social Club Misfits, nobigdyl.
  2. Again by Social Club Misfits, Jon Keith
  3. Ain't Playin' by Steven Malcolm, Social Club Misfits
  4. Art Vandelay by Social Club, Canon
  5. Awkward Pt2 by Social Club, Abiv
  6. Born For This by Social Club Misfits, Evvie McKinney
  7. Burn the Bridge by Social Club, Chris Batson
  8. Christmas In Florida by Social Club Misfits, Matthew West
  9. Clear by Social Club Misfits, Foggieraw
  10. Conmigo by Social Club Misfits, Jay Kalyl, Samuel Ash
  11. Coogi Sweater by Social Club, Andy Mineo
  12. Courage by Social Club Misfits, Tree Giants
  13. Different People by Social Club Misfits, Tree Giants
  14. Dive by Social Club Misfits, Beam
  15. Do This by Bizzle, Social Club, GS
  16. Double Dip by Social Club, K-Nuff, Rey King
  17. Enough by Social Club Misfits, Austin French
  18. Fade Away by Social Club, Khleo Thomas
  19. Glow In The Dark by Social Club, Gawvi
  20. God on My Side by Social Club Misfits, Ty Brasel
  21. Good Day by Apollo LTD, Social Club Misfits
  22. Got What You Need by Social Club Misfits, Jordan Feliz
  23. Grace Song by Social Club, Spzrkt
  24. Human by Social Club Misfits, Zach Paradis
  25. I Look to You by Stars Go Dim, Social Club Misfits
  26. Illogical by Adriel Cruz, Social Club Misfits, Alex Medina
  27. Into The Night by Social Club Misfits, Chris Batson
  28. Island of the Misfit Toys by KJ-52, Social Club, SPZRKT
  29. La Luz by Crowder, Social Club Misfits
  30. Love 4 Real by Social Club Misfits, Daramola
  31. Luau by Social Club Misfits, Hulvey
  32. Majestic by Social Club, Thi'sl
  33. Maybe by Social Club Misfits, Chris Batson
  34. Misfit Anthem by Social Club Misfits, Riley Clemmons
  35. Misfit Gang by Social Club, Rswift
  36. Misfits by Social Club, Chris Durso
  37. Motivation by Canon, Social Club
  38. Mxsfit Lxvin by Social Club, Elhae
  39. My Eyes Burn by Social Club, Marz
  40. One with the New Yorkers by Social Club Misfits, Amari, Wordsplayed
  41. Paris by Social Club, SPZRKT
  42. Party People by Derek Minor, Social Club
  43. Pop Out Revenge by Social Club Misfits, Amari
  44. Rendezvous by Social Club Misfits, Torey D'Shaun
  45. S&G by Social Club, Rey King
  46. S.C.M.G.W.P. by Social Club, Cheno Lyfe
  47. Savior by Social Club Misfits, Jeremy Camp
  48. Social Club Is Not Dead by Social Club, Gawvi
  49. Solo by Social Club Misfits, Evan Craft
  50. Somos Familia by Social Club Misfits, Blanca
  51. Stayed Down by Rhyan LaMarr, Social Club Misfits
  52. Summer of George by Social Club, D-Tropp
  53. Tamo Aqui by Social Club Misfits, Rey king
  54. Testify by Social Club Misfits, Crowder
  55. The Misfit Generation by Social Club Misfits, Chris Batson
  56. The One Out The Friendzone by Social Club Misfits, Tommy Royale
  57. To the Top by Social Club Misfits, 1K Phew
  58. Tuyo by Social Club Misfits, Danny Gokey, Jordin Sparks
  59. U Getting Jumped Tonight by MARTY, Social Club Misfits, Fern
  60. Unstoppable by Social Club Misfits, Ryan Ellis
  61. Usual Suspects by Social Club Misfits, Willow Stephens
  62. Van Buren Boys by Social Club, Anthony Rose
  63. Vibes Vibes Vibes by Social Club Misfits, Aha Gazelle, Chris Durso
  64. Waiting by Social Club, Chris Batson
  65. War Cry by Social Club Misfits, Tauren Wells
  66. Wavemasters by Social Club Misfits, Aha Gazelle, Chris Durso
  67. Who Else by Social Club Misfits, Andy Mineo
  68. Who That Is? by Social Club Misfits, DJ Laz
  69. Without You by Social Club Misfits, Riley Clemmons
  70. You Don't by Jeremy Camp, Social Club Misfits
  71. Young Gunz by Social Club Misfits, Davies

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