Music by Vineyard Music

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Vineyard Music
Vineyard Music is a record label created and used by the Association of Vineyard Churches. The organisation uses it to release worship albums. A UK branch of the record label exists, called Vineyard Records. Its musicians include Kathryn Scott, Nigel Briggs, Samuel Lane, Marc James, Nigel Hemming, Casey Corum, Carl Tuttle, Brenton Brown, Brian Doerksen, David Ruis, Andy Park, Jeremy Riddle, Scott Underwood, Johanna Blanding-Koskinen, Jeff Searles, Rita Springer, Kevin Prosch and Steve Southworth.

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Albums by Vineyard Music

  1. Cultivation Generation Live - My Foundation - 2012
  2. Miami Vineyard - Live - 2012
  3. Worship Anthems Live from Vineyard USA, Vol. 1 - 2012
  4. Worship Anthems Live from Vineyard USA, Vol. 2 - 2012
  5. Come Now Is The Time To Worship - 2011
  6. Bringing The World To Life - Club Vineyard Vol. 72 - 2010
  7. Come Now Is the Time - Hungry - 2010
  8. See The Risen Lord - 2010
  9. The Embers - 2010
  10. You Are What We Need - 2010
  11. Is God Listening - 2009
  12. Poured Out - 2009
  13. Furious Love - 2008
  14. Brighter Day - 2007
  15. Fascinated - 2007
  16. Love Divine - Set the Captives Free - 2007
  17. Playlist - Stand In Awe - 2007
  18. All From You - 2006
  19. Bless His Name - 2006
  20. Change My Heart Oh God - 2006
  21. If You Say Go - 2006
  22. More Than Ever - Live From The Rockies - 2006
  23. Surrender - 2006
  24. Sweetly Broken - 2006
  25. Fill Me Now - Club Vineyard Vol. 55 - 2005
  26. Emmanuel - Vineyard Christmas - 2004
  27. Home Again - All Who Are Thirsty - 2004
  28. Home Again - Be Still - 2004
  29. Home Again - Vol. 1 - 2004
  30. Home Again, Vol. 01 - 2004
  31. Home Again, Vol. 02 - 2004
  32. Home Again, Vol. 03 - 2004
  33. Home Again, Vol. 04 - 2004
  34. Home Again, Vol. 3 - 2004
  35. Home Again, Vol. 3 - Acoustic Worship from the Heart - 2004
  36. Home Again, Vol. 4 - 2004
  37. Home Again, Vol. 4 - Acoustic Worship from the Heart - 2004
  38. Kids Vineyard Worship - Fruit of the Spirit - 2004
  39. Shout to the Earth - 2004
  40. Winds of Worship - Come Now Is the Time - 2004
  41. Dwell - 2003
  42. 1000 Generations - 2002
  43. Beautiful - 2002
  44. Change My Heart Oh God - 25 Top - 2002
  45. Draw Me Close - 2002
  46. Free To Fly - 2002
  47. Holy - 2002
  48. Humble King - Christmas Around the World - 2002
  49. Refiner's Fire - 2002
  50. The Call - 2002
  51. The River Is Here - 2002
  52. All I Need - 2001
  53. Breathe - 15 Modern Worship Favorites - 2001
  54. Change Me On The Inside - 2001
  55. Hungry - Falling on My Knees - Live from London - 2001
  56. Hymns in the Vineyard - 2001
  57. I Love Your Presence - 2001
  58. Prayer - Expressions of Worship - 2001
  59. The Mystery - 2001
  60. Unspoken Truth - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 43 - 2001
  61. Believe - 2000
  62. Jesus I Believe In You - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 42 - 2000
  63. Offering of Love - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 41 - 2000
  64. You and You Alone - 2000
  65. Change My Heart Oh God - Vol. 3 - 1999
  66. Healing In Your Wings - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 40 - 1999
  67. It's All About Jesus - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 38 - 1999
  68. Name Above All - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 39 - 1999
  69. The Very Best of Touching the Father's Heart - 1999
  70. Winds of Worship 13 - Live from Seattle - 1999
  71. Winds Of Worship 14 - Live From South Africa - 1999
  72. Winds of Worship 15 - Live From Canada - 1999
  73. Your Love Reaches Me - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 37 - 1999
  74. Change My Heart Oh God - Kids 2 - 1998
  75. Change My Heart Oh God - Piano Classics - 1998
  76. Christmas In the Vineyard - 1998
  77. I Just Want To Thank You - Touching The Father's Heart, Vol 36 - 1998
  78. I Love Your Ways - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 35 - 1998
  79. Winds of Worship 11 - Live From Australia - 1998
  80. Winds of Worship 12 - Live From London - 1998
  81. You Shelter Me - Touching The Father's Heart, Vol 34 - 1998
  82. Change My Heart Oh God - Kids - 1997
  83. I Will Lift My Hands - Touching The Father's Heart, Vol 29 - 1997
  84. Receive Our Praise - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 30 - 1997
  85. Winds of Worship 10 - Live from New England - 1997
  86. Winds of Worship 9 - Live From Sweden - 1997
  87. You Are God - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 31 - 1997
  88. You Are In Control - Touching The Father's Heart, Vol 33 - 1997
  89. Faithful Father - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 26 - 1996
  90. For Your Mercy - Touching The Father's Heart, Vol 25 - 1996
  91. Holy Is The Lord - Touching The Father's Heart, Vol 27 - 1996
  92. Isn't He - 1996
  93. Jesus Lead On - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 28 - 1996
  94. Winds of Worship 5 - Live From Arnhem Holland - 1996
  95. Winds of Worship 6 - Live From Southern California - 1996
  96. Winds of Worship 8 - Live From Langley, B.C. Canada - 1996
  97. Before You Now - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 23 - 1995
  98. Blessed Be The Name - Touching The Father's Heart, Vol 24 - 1995
  99. Hallelujah Glory - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 22 - 1995
  100. I Love Loving You - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 32 - 1995
  101. Winds of Worship 4 - Live From Brighton England - 1995
  102. A Christmas Celebration - 1994
  103. Everlasting Grace - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 19 - 1994
  104. Light the Fire Again - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 18 - 1994
  105. Spirit of the Sovereign Lord - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 21 - 1994
  106. The River Is Here - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 20 - 1994
  107. Winds of Worship 1 - 1994
  108. Winds of Worship 2 - 1994
  109. Winds of Worship 3 - Live from Toronto Canada - 1994
  110. Glory and Honor - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 17 - 1993
  111. Great Is Your Mercy - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 16 - 1993
  112. Seek Righteousness - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 15 - 1993
  113. Send Your Spirit - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 14 - 1993
  114. Devoted to You - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 13 - 1992
  115. Hear Our Cry - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 7 - 1992
  116. Save Us Oh God - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 10 - 1992
  117. Songs of the Vineyard, Vol. 11 - Bring Your Kingdom - 1992
  118. Throne of Grace - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 12 - 1992
  119. Fire Of God - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 6 - 1991
  120. Holiness Unto the Lord - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 4 - 1991
  121. I Bow Down - Touching The Father's Heart, Vol 11 - 1991
  122. Take Our Lives - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 9 - 1991
  123. We Behold You - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 8 - 1991
  124. Worship Songs of The Vineyard 1 - Hosanna - 1991
  125. Holy and Anointed One - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 2 - 1990
  126. King of Saints - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 5 - 1990
  127. Unto The King - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 1 - 1990
  128. We Exalt Your Name - Touching the Father's Heart, Vol 3 - 1990

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