Two Kingdoms Clash by Aaron Leatherdale

Song Lyrics

Two Kingdoms Clash
by Aaron Leatherdale

Album: The Plagues of Egypt

I'm heading back to Egypt with nothing but my rod
But I got my God, it's been awhile since I trod this road
It's time to save my peers
It's been 40 yrs time to face my fears
So I march up to the palace that I used to know
King Pharaoh, if my people choose to go
You need to let them, you need to set them free
So they can sacrifice, worship in the desert, let them be

Well, well, well, if it isn't the prince. Wait, who is this guy? He killed who? When? With? Whoever let this person in my house, kill him, and drag his body through the slave camp, show it to the civilians. See it's obvious I'll never let your people go. You can't even speak to me, voice shaking like you've seen a ghost. Stuttering like a bumbling idiot, no wonder why your brother talks, look at what a wimp he is. Simply this, anything you do, I can do best, my sorcerers and warlocks have defeated the true test. Who's blessed? Me! Can't you see? Get this Hebrew out of my sight, who's next?

Let me demonstrate don't laugh
I'll make a snake from my staff that will bite your snakes in half
You think you're a god with your pyramids and your sphinxes?
Jannes & Jambre, your sorcerers with their jinxes?
The Nile River will be blood, it will stink
Blood in your bathtub and your kitchen sink
You won't be able to drink, just think
Your link to life will be turned into blood-colored pink

Our water supply is blood, now I'm sipping on some metal. You think this parlor trick will change my mind, you're mental. I told you, you worthless Hebrews will never be free, send me one of his kin so they can wash my feet.

Will you let my people go? Don't say no
You must acquiesce. Your answer, it must be yes
Will you let my people go? No! Will you?
No! I'll kill you!
Will you let my people go? Don't say no
You must acquiesce. Your answer, it must be yes
Will you set my people free?
No! The slaves belong to me!

The plague of frogs is upon you, they're hopping in your kitchens
Houses and your bedrooms, there's nothing your magicians
Can do with their religious chants, they bring up more frogs?
Various species? That's hilarious!
Please be kidding, their power can't match that of Yahweh
With divination, magic & slight of hand
Your dealing with the great I Am that I Am
He's the one who made the land of Egypt with every single grain of sand

Next you got insects, lice, lices, louse
No one is protected, even inside the nicest house
Even Pharaoh on your throne, on your pedestal, your head is full
Of these critters, your kids scratching, itchy, this is plague #3

I'm sick of this filthy Hebrew and all his wizardry, can't see, hear, or breathe, this I can't believe. What was once an annoyance, is now breeding in me malice. Snakes and scorpions invading every inch of this palace. I've resorted to bluffing but maybe now I think I should take a stand, he's killing my livestock, our food supply is scant. Can't this magician fix this? Who is this? Moses, you and your people are dead, you're finished

Will you let my people go? Don't say no
You must acquiesce. Your answer, it must be yes
Will you let my people go? No! Will you?
No! I'll kill you!
Will you let my people go? Don't say no
You must acquiesce. Your answer, it must be yes
Will you set my people free?
No! The slaves belong to me!

Spread the ashes from the furnace and turn this dust
Into boils with pus-filled moles, grotesque, recoil
At the sight of every royal and every commoner
With pimples, let the people go, it's simple
Or everyone will be sick plague #6
Contagious virus, on the pages of papyrus
You can write this, 'cause it's set in stone from God's mouth it's certain
When the 7th plague hits, hailstones with fire mixed
Animals will be struck, beat to a bloody mass
Plants are doomed wheat, barley, yams, and grass
All the cattle, all the rams and ewes, and all the crops yield
Everything will die in your fields

The floors, the walls, the ceilings, the halls, everything in sight, filled with locusts as they crawl. Kill them all, kill them all, don't stop until they're dead, and someone come and bring me Moses' head! A darkness so thick it's impossible to move, the same bricks on their backs are ours now, we're subdued. That's it! I'm through, he wants his way? Fine, with his head on a plate, this will end plagues 8 and 9

Will you let my people go? Don't say no
You must acquiesce. Your answer, it must be yes
Will you let my people go? No! Will you?
No! I'll kill you!
Will you let my people go? Don't say no
You must acquiesce. Your answer, it must be yes
Will you set my people free?
No! The slaves belong to me!

Over Egypt you rule, but your stubborn as a mule
And your pigheaded obstinance these judgments has fueled
You fool! The Angel of Death will take the breath of all your firstborn
Pharaoh, you have been warned

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