No Condemnation by All Together Separate

Song Lyrics

No Condemnation
by All Together Separate

Album: All Together Separate

Like mud in the bottom of a cup of solid gold,
A stain upon the pure,
but a veil to cover the soil
From His life I learned perfection,
but His death gave even more,
It's like a diamond promise,
and His love I can't ignore

No condemnation
No separation
Our destination
Is sanctification

To the keen ears of a dog
the philosophy is told,
And from the crumbs of His table tumble secrets to the prophecies of old
It's like handing out the keys
to the cells on death row,
Now I'm a dead man walking
and His cross I'm bound to tow

Don't you see what He's done for me?
Did you know His grace would go this far?
The power to forgive
and the strength so you can live,
I have become His righteousness

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