Album: Marga Darshan
Lo suna saathi satyako vaani yo timrai laagi ho
Garib dhani sabaiko laagi jeewan ko paani ho
Ishwarko Putra aaye the dharti koile chinena
Paapilai muktidaan dina mare, yo kura bujha lo
Maayaa ra moha baachunjelsama sansaarmaa dui din ko
Dharma ra karma sabai byertha chan, yo timi bujha lo
Shiramaa mukut kaaraako laai jhundiye krusmaa
Paapilai muktidaan dina mare, yo kura bujha lo
Baanchnalai maanche sadhainai khojcha jeewanko sahaara
Paapko vashma dubeko maanche yotai cha kinaaraa
Baato ra satya jeewan cha hai Khrist Yeshu Prabhu maa
Biswas gari hai meraa saathi jeewan lyo unai maa
(Listen and I will speak the truth, Living water for the rich and poor
The Son of God lived on this earth unknown
And he died to give us the gift of salvation
Desires and illusions pursue me relentlessly; all my morality is in vain
But he hung on a cross with a crown of thorns, and died to give me salvation
I search for support in this feeble life
But lost in the grip of my desires, there is only one hope
The Path, the Truth, the Life are in Jesus Christ the Lord
Oh my friend, believe and receive Life in Him)
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