Subha Shaam Lun by Aradhna

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Satsang by Aradhna

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Subha Shaam Lun
by Aradhna

Album: Satsang

Subha shaam lun Yeshu teraa naam
Wo jo paawan sundar naam
Shok mite man mein sukh paaye
Nirbal ko balwaan banaaye
Shradhaa se aaye jo dhaam
Har pal har chan pag-pag pe tu
Jag ke har kan-kan mein hai tu
Teri mahima kaun na jaane
Prem mantra hi hai bas teraa
Man pe daalaa sabke deraa
Teri jyoti jale nishkaam

(Jesus, I remember you in the morning and evening
Your holy and beautiful name
All my grief is gone and I feel peace within
Your name gives strength to the weak
To those who come reverently and humbly
In every step I take, you are there
You are in all things
Who cannot know your glory?
Love is your key
It is through your love that you have captured our hearts
May your light shine its selfless glory)

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