Only Love by Audra Lynn

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Fading by Audra Lynn

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Only Love
by Audra Lynn

Album: Fading

Saw Your face again today
Reflected in the world around me
I held Your eyes with my own gaze
And how they burned with loves desire
That can be quenchd with none but You

I felt You looking down at me
A smile that shined the brightness of Your heart
Your pleasure in me how it shames me
Who am I that You should love someone like me?

And how I love You, how I love You
Oh how I love You
You are my only love
You are my only love

I see dark but You see lovely
I see ashes You see beauty within me
You give me gladness for my mourning
You are my only love, You are my only love

Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong they are weak but He is strong
I am weak but You are strong, I am weak but You are strong

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