Album: Beyond Amazed
Every step I take forward
The past tries to follow
Reminding me of what I have been
Mistakes and transgressions, those unlearned lessons I've gone through
Time and again.
I know God can't recall what is cast in the
Sea. That's easy for him and so hard for me
But there'll come a day when I see him in glory.
Then I'll only recall Calvary side of
My story. When my sins were forgiven
My salvation was bought... Oh what a
Moment when I can't remember, everything He Forgot
I know He Saved me I know He forgave me.
And the past is the past with him
The guilt reminds me to look behind me
My regrets want me to spend time with them
But when I stand in His presence and He says
Welcome home. Every memory of failure
And sin will be gone
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