Away, Away by Broomtree

Song Lyrics

Transparent by Broomtree

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Away, Away
by Broomtree

Album: Transparent

I set my ship in motion and directed with my hands
Then off into the ocean of my dreams and all my plans
Then some years passed, and there I was still sailing on my own
So I dropped a bottled note with a prayer to sail me home

Oh Lord I drifted off so far away from You
Take me back so I can be near You

Oh away, away with my doubting and my sorrow
Oh away, away with it all
Oh away, away with my hope for tomorrow
'Til I turn my face to the Son and comfort

He sent me, but I would not turn my face
To the brightness of the Son that covered me in grace
Then some rains came and winds blew and tossed my ship
Around and sinking in the ocean were the feet of the proud

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