My Sometimes by Broomtree

Song Lyrics

Transparent by Broomtree

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My Sometimes
by Broomtree

Album: Transparent

Sometimes when I talk to You I feel I have to shout
But when I am finished yelling Your silent words come out
Sometimes when I listen hard and can't hear You are near
My flesh starts calling out for signs and hope You will appear

Those times that I'm wondering if you even care
You are right beside me, You were always there
I was just too busy looking for a sign
When all I had to do was listen past my mind (my foolish mind)

Sometimes I think You're distant and You would not understand
But You gave me the breath of life and made me with Your hand
Sometimes I often wonder, Lord
How it is You love everyone that you have made when we're also wrong

Forgive me for my sometimes: the moments that I hide
Forgive me for my sometimes: the thoughts I hold inside
Forgive me for my sometimes: the times that I deny

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