Album: Dream Christmas, Vol. 4
Verse 1
Redemption born in a stable
All creation sighed
For our a Savior now
Is brought to life
Verse 2
Baby boy in His mother's
Caring arms He lies
All the while
This child sustains all life
Hallelujah creation sings a melody
Hosanna worshipping the newborn King
Hallelujah Christ our Savior
Oh the glory Yours forever
Verse 3
Redemption lived
Perfectly exemplfying Him
Who made the universe
And life within
Verse 4
God and man
Fully human never stained by sin
He lived a life
We could never live
Hallelujah creation sings a melody
Hosanna worshipping the living King
Hallelujah Christ our Savior
Oh the glory Yours forever
Verse 5
Redemption hung
On a cross where He was crucified
In a borrowed tomb
He laid 2 nights
Verse 6
All alone
All creation waited for a sign
3 days later He was raised to life
Hallelujah creation sings a melody
Hosanna worshipping the risen King
Hallelujah Christ our Savior
Oh the glory Yours forever
Verse 1
Redemption born in a stable
All creation sighed
For our a Savior now
Is brought to life
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