Album: Hymns 21 - For Believers, Seeking For Full Redemption (340-417)
1 O MIGHT I this moment cease
From every work of mine,
Find the perfect holiness,
The righteousness divine!
Let me thy salvation see;
Let me do thy perfect will;
Live in glorious liberty,
And all thy fulness feel.
2 O cut short the work, and make
Me now a creature new!
For thy truth and mercy's sake
The gracious wonder show;
Call me forth thy witness, Lord,
Let my life declare thy power;
To thy perfect love restored,
O let me sin no more!
3 Fain would I the truth proclaim
That makes me free indeed,
Glorify my Saviour's name,
And all its virtues spread;
Jesus all our wants relieves,
Jesus, mighty to redeem,
Saves, and to the utmost saves,
All those that come to him.
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