Omnipotent Redeemer by Charles Wesley

Song Lyrics

Omnipotent Redeemer
by Charles Wesley

Album: Hymns 35 - The Lord Jesus Christ, His Kingdom (727-749)

1 OMNIPOTENT Redeemer,
Our ransomed souls adore thee,
Whate'er is done
Thy work we own,
And give thee all the glory;
With thankfulness acknowledge
Our time of visitation;
Thine hand confess,
And gladly bless
The God of our salvation.

2 Thou hast employed thy servants,
And blest their weak endeavours,
And lo! in thee
We myriads see
Of justified believers;
The church of pardoned sinners,
Exulting in their Saviour,
Sing all day long
The gospel song,
And triumph in thy favour.

3 Thy wonders wrought already
Require our ceaseless praises
But show thy power,
And myriads more
Endue with heavenly graces.
But fill our earth with glory,
And, known by every nation,
God of all grace
Receive the praise
Of all thy new creation.

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