Album: Hymns 16 - For Believers, Fighting (265-290)
1 OMNIPRESENT God! whose aid
No one ever asked in vain,
Be this night about my bed,
Every evil thought restrain;
Lay thy hand upon my soul,
God of my unguarded hours!
All my enemies control,
Hell, and earth, and nature's powers.
2 O thou jealous God! come down,
God of spotless purity,
Claim, and seize me for thy own,
Consecrate my heart to thee;
Under thy protection take,
Songs in the night season give;
Let me sleep to thee, and wake,
Let me die to thee, and live.
3 Only tell me I am thine,
And thou wilt not quit thy right;
Answer me in dreams divine,
Dreams and visions of the night:
Bid me even in sleep go on,
Restlessly my God desire,
Mourn for God in every groan,
God in every thought require.
4 Loose me from the chains of sense,
Set me from the body free,
Draw with stronger influence
My unfettered soul to thee;
In me, Lord, thyself reveal,
Fill me with a sweet surprise:
Let me thee when waking feel,
Let me in thy image rise.
5 Let me of thy life partake,
Thy own holiness impart,
O that I might sweetly wake
With my Saviour in my heart!
O that I might know thee mine!
O that I might thee receive!
Only live the life divine,
Only to thy glory live!
6 Or if thou my soul require
Ere I see the morning light,
Grant me, Lord, my heart's desire,
Perfect me in love to-night;
Finish thy great work of love,
Cut it short in righteousness,
Fit me for the realms above,
Change, and bid me die in peace.
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What wonderful words for an evening prayer - Feb 2013