Album: Hymns 28 - Select Psalms (540-641)
1 WHITHER shall a creature run,
From Jehovah's Spirit fly?
How Jehovah's presence shun,
Screened from his all-seeing eye?
Holy Ghost, before thy face
Where shall I myself conceal?
Thou art God in every place,
God incomprehensible.
2 If to heaven I take my flight,
With beatitude unknown
Filling all the realms of light,
There thou sittest on thy throne!
If to hell I could retire,
Gloomy pit of endless pains,
There is the consuming fire,
There almighty vengeance reigns.
3 If the morning's wings I gain,
Fly to earth's remotest bound,
Could I hid from thee remain,
In a world of waters drowned?
Leaving lands and seas behind,
Could I the Omniscient leave?
There thy quicker hand would find,
There arrest, the fugitive.
4 Covered by the darkest shade,
Should I hope to lurk unknown,
By a sudden light bewrayed,
By an uncreated sun,
Naked at the noon of night
Should I not to thee appear?
Forced to acknowledge in thy sight,
God is light, and God is here!
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