Build Your House by Charlie Hall

Song Lyrics

Build Your House
by Charlie Hall

Album: The Death of Death

With fervent love You came, reviving sin-dead lives
Making us one in grace alive in Christ
So come and purify us, You've come to unify
O let Your heart revive us, washing Your bride

One faith, one Church, one Father
One King above us all
God make us one as You are one

Right here the ground is even, right here the colors show
Increase the love between us, so that the world would know

One faith, one Church, one Father
One King above us all
God make us one as You are one

This is the love that makes us one
You unsealed grace and poured out love
And so with a dream we're asking;
Build Your house, let the walls come down
Won't you build your house let the walls come down
Build your house let the walls come down

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