No by Cherie Call

Song Lyrics

Most Requested by Cherie Call

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by Cherie Call

Album: Most Requested

A little boy at the end of a day knelt
by his bed to say a prayer
And Father up in Heaven
heard the prayer he prayed
And listened to each word with greatest care
The boy said,
"Please bless that tomorrow
I won't have to take a bath,
And bless that they will cancel school for snow."
And God had the power to protect him
and never let him grow
But He said, "No."
A young man was holding tightly
to the hand of a girl who had to say
And as she walked away he had to whisper a prayer
As he fought every tear that filled his eyes
He whispered,
"Please can you make her turn around
and change her mind?
It's the deepest hurt that I have ever known."
And God had the power to protect him
and never let him grow
But He said, "No."
And there are yeses that our father
can hardly wait to give
And they are packed in every
crevice of the lives we live
Sometimes God will pour down miracles
and amazing twists of fate
And other times He chooses
just to whisper, "Wait."
How many times have I prayed for blue skies
So no one has to cancel the game
And I feel so abandoned when the sky gets dark
Never knowing all the ones who prayed for rain
And usually the story's even trickier than this
With solutions that only God could know
But if you ask Him if He's ever overlooked you
Or ceased to love you so
He'll say, "No."

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