Stronger Than I Was Before by Cherie Call

Song Lyrics

Homeless Songs by Cherie Call

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Stronger Than I Was Before
by Cherie Call

Album: Homeless Songs

I threw away my pride
I crumbled down and cried
But I'm stronger than I was before
I didn't win the prize
But I am still alive
And I'm stronger than I was before

I am stronger, so much stronger
I am stronger than I was before
I can't say that I won the fight
But I think I'm gonna be alright
It's not gonna hurt me anymore

I held on for so long
And still I got wrong
But I'm stronger than I was before
I made a bad mistake
I knew my heart would break
But I'm stronger than I was before

I am stronger, so much stronger
I am stronger than I was before
I can't say that I won the fight
But I think I'm gonna be alright
It's not gonna hurt me anymore

Nobody's gonna hoist me on their shoulders
When all I am is older and wiser than yesterday
You may never see the way these things have changed me
Or how my struggles saved me
They're gonna save me anyway

It used to worry me
To take a little leap
But I'm stronger than I was before
I have met defeat
And now it won't scare me
Cause I'm stronger than I was before

I am stronger, so much stronger
I am stronger than I was before
I can't say that I won the fight
But I think I'm gonna be alright
It's not gonna hurt me anymore

I'm stronger than I was before

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