Album: Voyage
Oh Lord of grace,
The world is before me this day
And I am weak and fearful but I look to thee for strength
God all sufficient, God all sufficient
If I venture forth alone
I stumble and I fall
But on the beloved''s arm, I''m a tree standing tall
God all sufficient, God all sufficient
If left to the treachery of my heart
I would shame thy name
But if upheld by thy spirit
I''ll bring glory to the same
God all sufficient, God all sufficient
Be thou my strength to stand
Be my light to see
My feet to run, my sword to fight
My shield protecting me
God all sufficient
To enrich me will not diminish thee
All thy love is in thy Son
I claim his name
He died for me His blood covers my shame
God all sufficient, God all sufficient, God all sufficient
God all sufficient
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