Album: The Name Above All Names
Walk as I walk, think as I think, speak as I speak
You will grow as you do, and your faith will too
You'll be lifted from the valley to the highest peak
If my words abide in you,...and you abide in Me
And you learn of My will and obey My commands
Then what you ask in my name will be
My words are truth and life,
And will teach you to know My ways
As you learn of Me you will more be free
And good success shall be yours all the rest of your days,
If you....
I will meet all your needs, by my riches here in glory
For I sent my only begotten Son
What you ask in His name, by Him it will be done
Don't you stumble and stagger because of your fears
Keep your faith, keep your eyes upon Me
For My promise is true, it will be done for you
What you ask in My name, I will cause it to be....if you
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Walk, Think, and Speak as the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall grow and be free indeed. - Jul 2023
Gentle ,inspiring ,and beautifully sung - Aug 2015