Second Guessing Games by Colony House

Song Lyrics

Second Guessing Games
by Colony House

Album: When I Was Younger

Oh, she'll be mine within a moment of time, if only
Sure, I'll be free from all my worries with time, if only

I could go where I want to go
To get where I need to be
Do what I got to do
Say what I need to say
Fight for the things I love
Let go of the things I don't
But let's stop playing second guessing games

I'll set my sails to foreign lands, leave behind these ticking hands
That say I'm only getting older
I could be free to do as I please, if only if only

All of this time spent thinking
While caught in a ship that's sinking
If only I could see my future
I'd stop playing second guessing games

So go where you got to go
To get where you need to be
Do what you need to do
Say what you need to say
Fight for the things you love
Let go of the things you don't
But let's stop playing second guessing games

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