Holy Ghost Gym by DJ Nicholas

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School of Volume by DJ Nicholas

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Holy Ghost Gym
by DJ Nicholas

Album: School of Volume

Everybody now in, or you out,
everybody now in, or you out
everybody everybody everybody now x2
If you knam(eat) sin till
(until0 you fat and you know you need fi(to) get slim,
Holy Ghost Gym
If iniquity make you flabby flabby,
use the word a God fi(to) get trim, Holy Ghost Gym
Some man a grow tire get fat on the word but soul them naa(not) win, Holy Ghost Gym
You better play some Gospel Reggae,
me cant exercise good with HYM
Verse 1
Everbody start, warm up, warm up,
to the Lord just hold you arm up,
warm up, warm up, remember him make you storm up
Start stretch, start stretch,
by no muscle contract no get catch,
starch stretch, start stretch,
remember him save you from a wretch
To the sky, to the sky, start reach,
to the sky, to the sky, to the sky
if you SIN Lestoral Level way to high
Relax, then crunch, too relax,
then crunch, firm up you Christian walk,
crunch, and you lose bad weight by the bunch, why
Bad mind you fi(to) lose it lose it,
hatred you fi(to) lose it lose it,
If a anger lose it lose it,
whey(what) me want you do, lose it
Bad heart, you fi(to) lose it lose it,
Bad thought you fi(to) lose it lose it,
Any form a sin what a try to weigh you down,
whey(what) me want you do, lose it
If you know, you weighty in sin,
then go to the gym now, the Holy Ghost Gym now
If your spiritual health is suffering,
then go to the gym now, the Holy Ghost Gym now
To much fat sin will give you bad heart,
lazy fi(for) God will give you bad heart
Unhealthy words,
will give you bad heart you never know say unforgiveness clog heart
Lusting will give you bad heart,
Obeah oil will give you bad heart,
gluttony will give you bad heart
unforgiveness clog and harden heart hear why
Bad mind you fi(to) lose it lose it
hatred you fi(to) lose it lose it
If a anger lose it lose it,
whey(what) me want you do, lose it
Bad heart, you fi(to) lose it lose it Bad thought,
you fi(to) lose it lose it
Any form a sin what a try to weigh you down,
whey(what) me want you do, lose it
If you know, you weighty in sin,
then go to the gym now, the Holy Ghost Gym now
If you spiritual health is suffering,
then go to the gym now, the Holy Ghost Gym Now
Alright then, grab you bible,
and curl, grab you bible, and curl,
grab you bible, and curl,
Open it up preach it to the world
Bend you knees, don't forget,
Bend you knees, don't forget,
kneel down, don't forget,
nothing no wrong to pray and bus sweat,
Like Joseph, run fast,
flee from evil, run fast, Like Joseph,
run fast take up you foot and run to the cross
Run the race, fast and pray,
Run the race, fast and pray,
Run the race, fast and pray,
make the devil know say you naa(not) play
Bad mind you fi(to) lose it lose it,
hatred you fi(to) lose it lose it
If a anger lose it lose it,
whey(what) me want you do, lose it
Bad heart, you fi(to) lose it lose it,
Bad thought, you fi(to) lose it lose it
Any form a sin what a try to weigh you down,
whey(what) me want you do, lose it
If you know, you weighty in sin,
then go to the gym now, the Holy Ghost Gym now
If your spiritual health is suffering,
then go to the gym now, the Holy Ghost Gym Now

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