Album: The Revelation
Then in chapter 17 we see God's judgment against that great religious system that has deceived people who dwell upon the earth. That religious system that is related to the mystery Babylon the great and is called mother of Harlots and abominations of the Earth.
In the 18th chapter of the Book of Revelations we see the judgment id God upon the commercial system that has enslaved the souls of man. Now that people for their desire or material things hace become slaves of those who have produced those who sell these goods. When Jesus begins to open the seals of the Seven Sealed Book, we find that when he opens the first seal there will come forth a white horse. The one who sits upon him has a bow and a crown and he goes forth conquering and to conquer. This white horse with his rifer will be the entrance of the Antichrist upon the world scene. He will soon be followed by a second horse which was a red horse and power was given to that horse to take peace from the earth and men upon the Earth would kill one another and he was given a great sword.
After the initial deception by the Antichrist in which he woos the world to worship him, then as he shows his true colors, war will break out upon the Earth and time of bloodshed worse than that it any time in the Earth's history. After this tremendous war there will be great famine upon the Earth. The third horse that John saw was a black horse and he had balances in his hands and he is measuring out or rationing out the food to the people that are upon the earth. As a result of the wars and the famines, many people will be slain and so the fourth horse that comes forth is a pale horse and the one who sits upon him is called Death. Hell followed after him. Then we see that horrible Holocaust.
The great battle of Armageddon in the latter part of chapter 14. We see the continued judgments of God in the 16th chapter as now the vials of God's wrath are poured fourth upon the Earth. And there shall be great Tribulation such as never been seen before or will ever be seen again. Men's hearts will be failing them because of their fear of the awesome catastrophes that are striking the earth. There will be great earthquakes. Some will turn black and the moon will turn Bloody red. Meteorites showers will devastate the Earth and every mountain and island will be moved. Gigantic 90 pound hail stones will pelt the earth crushing houses and cars, destroying trees and crops. Immediately after the tribulation of those days, shall they see the sign of the Son of Man coming with the clouds and great Glory.
Before God sets forth the plague of violent winds of the earth the angel stops those angels who are holding the winds and he tells them to wait until God has had the opportunity to seal his true servants of God and the number of them which were sealed were 144,000 by that seal they are spared these plagues upon the earth.
After this I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man can number all nations and kindred's and tongues stood before the throne and before the Lamb clothed in white robes and palms in their hands and cried with a loud voice saying "Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb." There also be the tragedy of believing husbands reluctantly leaving behind their unbelieving wives. My beloved speaks and says to me, "Arise my love, my fair one, and come away" and he brought me to the banqueting house and his banner over me is love. My beloved is mine and I am his. These are they which came out of the Great Tribulation and have washed their robes an made them white with the blood of the Lamb.
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